Saturday, June 16, 2007

Chichester and shopping

Well we arrived in Chichester and had a great chat with Sophie, who yet again, was fab with customers and knew everything there was to know about her chocolate. Here we decided to buy pressies for friends and family and laden with treasures we moved to a rather cool (if breezy) location, to discuss the next few months campaign with the vibrant, fantastic Helen and Simon (Monty's founders)
I'd like to say the trip home was as great as the trip but to be honest four tired girls in five hours of M25 traffic left a lot to be desired:) Special thanks to Suzie for driving (and staying upbeat all the way home!)

laters .... the honey's xxxxx

Brighton and beyond

The Honey's spent the evening wandering the lanes, hanging out on the beach and ended up popping into the 'honeyclub' had to really ) Great time even though the club was like a greenhouse in Arabia and we spent a good 3/4 of an hour waiting to get in. Great organic breakfast the following morning and off we went to meet Jon at the Brighton branch. Another great store and like the others, all situated on quaint and quirky pedestrianised lanes. Next stop Chichester to meet Sophie and then cofee and catch up with Montezuma's founders, husband and wife team Simon and Helen Pattinson.

Friday, June 15, 2007

From Newbury to Brighton (via Winchester)

OK - loads of driving lots of tunes hoards of chocolate and we are now approaching Brighton for our over night stay prior to checking out the Brighton Montezuma's store and then moving on to our final resting place - Chichester - the birth place of this awesome chocolate company.
Both Newbury and Winchester lived up to expectations with delicious chocolate and a delicious team at each of the two Monty's stores. Newbury has just opened so we are planning a great launch event where you can 'come on down' and taste everything from the Moondance truffle, to the giant chocolate buttons; the Teeny tiny turtles, cheeky chimp truffle or omacti drinking chocolate. No two choccies are the same and we heard some fab stories of rther decadent purchases and altogether slightly unhinged personality's (who wouldn't be - it is the sexiest, most inventive, most organic fairlytraded, British made chocolate after all).
Anyway we eneded up arriving in Brighton with sun shining (slightly anyway) and chose a quaint, friendly, organic (luckily enough) b & b named rather originally we thought-Brighton House (fab place, please try) and...erm ... we are just going to get ready to go out ..speak soon.

Day 1 on the Honey Road Trip (Big Brotheresque)

After finally escaping the clutches of our office in Cambridge we hit the road. (Not before stopping at Sainsbury's for Semra to pick up the entire contents of the bakery) Four girls with completely different tastes in music was an interesting deversion from the aa route map (still wishing for a sat nav). Timberland to Morcheeba; Groove Armarda to Posh Spice! What can i say we had fun on the way (briefly following a cute canary yellow mini) to our very first Monty's choc shop in Windsor, singing, laughing, thought showering (is that what we call it now?) We were thankfully greeted by two great girls, Manager Katka and Deputy Emily. During our visit a family arrived to fill their baskets with chocolate. You couldn't say they were regular customers as they especially travelled 400 miles from Edinburgh! After staying for an hour we knew we had to tear ourselves away from the surf nuts, Chilli bars, Peacan and maple truffles and the best god damn chilled white chocolate i ever did taste - next stop Monty's Newbury....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Honey PR - Thelma and louise style

Hi from the honey's! On the 14th of June, Honey Public Relations Cambridge are hitting the road in an as yet unknown cool motor to travel from Cambridge to Chichester via, Windsor, Newbury, Winchester, Brighton (for the night) to check out the Montezuma's Chocolate stores, chat to the managers and taste the sumptuous chocolate.

This fab roadtrip is sure to bond the honey's and enlighten us and you on our fabulous new client Montezuma's and will possibly include a little fun and a few suprises along the way!
Check in every day as we hit the road Thelma and Louise style (Read Semra and Louise!) - see you soon!