Friday, June 15, 2007

From Newbury to Brighton (via Winchester)

OK - loads of driving lots of tunes hoards of chocolate and we are now approaching Brighton for our over night stay prior to checking out the Brighton Montezuma's store and then moving on to our final resting place - Chichester - the birth place of this awesome chocolate company.
Both Newbury and Winchester lived up to expectations with delicious chocolate and a delicious team at each of the two Monty's stores. Newbury has just opened so we are planning a great launch event where you can 'come on down' and taste everything from the Moondance truffle, to the giant chocolate buttons; the Teeny tiny turtles, cheeky chimp truffle or omacti drinking chocolate. No two choccies are the same and we heard some fab stories of rther decadent purchases and altogether slightly unhinged personality's (who wouldn't be - it is the sexiest, most inventive, most organic fairlytraded, British made chocolate after all).
Anyway we eneded up arriving in Brighton with sun shining (slightly anyway) and chose a quaint, friendly, organic (luckily enough) b & b named rather originally we thought-Brighton House (fab place, please try) and...erm ... we are just going to get ready to go out ..speak soon.

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